When cars sit in a lot for hours at a time, they can build up significant amounts of heat, causing potential health risks and vehicle damage. If your business is exploring how to protect cars from extreme heat, VPS offers trusted solutions for your requirements. Our shade structures are specially designed to protect assets from the elements and keep parking lots cooler and more comfortable.
Unlike many shade structures built with metal or wood roofs, VPS uses specialized fabric with knitted mesh to let hot air circulate. Hot air can flow out through our shade structures instead of getting trapped under the roof, which keeps the lot cooler and safer.
At VPS, we have a broad selection to meet your unique property protection needs. When you need to shield cars from the sun’s heat, we can help with several different product options:
- Cantilevers: Designed with support structures placed away from walkways and parking spaces, cantilevers make navigation convenient for cars and pedestrians while also providing heat protection.
- Covered walkways: We offer covered walkway coverings that can work with covered parking lots to keep pedestrians more comfortable on their way to your facility.
- Large-scale coverage: With our mass coverage options, our expert design and engineering teams can develop a large-scale solution to reduce hat exposure for multi-acre parking and staging areas.